Family Office Services

Creating and preserving value
Competent, Interdisciplinary Support

As a wealthy private person, family, foundation or institutional investor, you are exposed to a wide range of investment risks. Benefit from the wealth of expertise our multi-family office has acquired over the years. Our certified financial planners, tax consultants and lawyers work together across disciplines to offer expert and independent assistance in all your financial matters. In this way, we jointly create value and preserve this across generations.

  • Asset Structuring

    Without sound and comprehensive asset structuring, a positive investment performance remains a matter of luck. On the basis of your individual goals and restrictions, we jointly devise an asset strategy optimised to take account of legal, tax and financial considerations. This also involves regularly reviewing, and if necessary adjusting, the strategy.

  • Asset Controlling

    We monitor market trends on a daily basis, value your assets, analyse performance and risks, ensure compliance with investment guidelines and cost requirements. We leave nothing to chance. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the planned performance and preservation of your assets.

  • Asset Reporting

    You want to be fully informed and able to act at all times. We provide reports tailored to your specific needs on a regular basis, if required updated daily. For capital investments, real estate, equity investments or other investments. With our reports and a web-based information portal, you remain fully informed at all times.

Your contact
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    Maik Paukstadt

    Tax consultant and certified financial planner (CFP)

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    Martin Netter

    Certified Financial Planner (CFP)