Stefan Groß
Tax consultant and certified information systems auditor (CISA)
Managing Partner
born 1968
Qualification as tax consultant and certified information systems auditor (CISA). He began his career in 1997 at Haarmann Hemmelrath in Munich. He joined Peters, Schönberger & Partner in 1998.
Main contact for the Service Line
Tax CMS / GoBD
Consulting skills
- Consulting at the interface of tax law and information technology
- Design and implementation of tax compliance management systems
- Tax Technology Consulting
- GoBD consulting/GoBD audits
- Design and preparation of tax procedural documentation
- Consulting in the field of electronic invoicing (electronic invoice exchange)
- Tax design and audit of DMS/ECM systems
- Board member of the Institut für Digitalisierung im Steuerrecht (IDSt)
- Board member of VeR (Verband elektronische Rechnung)
- Board of the ECM Initiative of Bitkom
- Member of the IT committee (FAIT) of IDW
- Member of the Digital Advisory committee (FADA) of IDW
- Teaching in the Master of Taxation program at the Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Member of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association & Foundation (ISACA)
- Editor-in-Chief of the journal REthinking Tax
- Co-initiator of the Tax Technology Conference
- Founder and Editor of TAXPUNK